Social Studies 10


Click HERE for Course Outline

29/08/2018 15:59
SS 10 Course Outline.docx (39451)

Unit 1: I am who am I?

Click HERE for Notes and Assignments

21/09/2018 12:48
Mon Sept 9: Time to finish Canadian choice activity from last day; intro concept of regionalism and start working in small groups to research each province Tues Sept 10: Finish group activity from last day (on regionalism) and share out Wed Sept 11: Finish sharing out regionalism from last day;...

Unit 2: Why Bother Voting?

Click HERE for Notes and Assignments

06/11/2018 19:45
Wed Sept 18: Discussion of Canadian government systems; complete webquest for homework:  Government Scavenger Hunt.docx (19,8 kB) Thurs Sept 19: Discuss ideologies; work in small groups to complete chart: Political Ideologies Chart.docx (16,3 kB) Mon Sept 23: Review of ideologies;...

Unit 3: When The Good Became Bad

Click HERE for Notes and Assignments

06/11/2018 19:49
PowerPoint for Review: WWI power point.ppt (976896) Tues Oct 1: Finish brainstorming from last day (see WWI PP for review); read handout on Treaty of Versailles and identify 3 areas that could be of concern for later on.  Wed Oct 2: Political Party Presentations. Watch video on Treaty of...

Unit 4: War...Again!

Click HERE for Notes and Assignments

09/01/2019 09:02
Oct 31: Interwar Years Quiz; work on WW2 in Europe Map assignment: WWII_Map_Assignment.doc (250368) Fri Nov 1: Complete "Rise of Totalitarianism" assignment (see EXTRAS folder in classroom) Mon Nov 4: Read pages 273 and complete questions 1&2; complete Causes of WWII Assignment.docx...

Unit 5: Canada in the Post-War Era