Click HERE for Notes and Assignments

21/09/2018 12:48

Mon Sept 9: Time to finish Canadian choice activity from last day; intro concept of regionalism and start working in small groups to research each province

Tues Sept 10: Finish group activity from last day (on regionalism) and share out

Wed Sept 11: Finish sharing out regionalism from last day; brainstorm concepts of Globalization and Global Village including positive and negative effects of globalization

Thurs Sept 12: Discuss pros and cons of globalization; read pages 110-112 of textbook. Watch video, "Myth of Globalization" and complete video questions

Fri Sept 13: Discuss impact of globalization on the environment; intro Environmental Research Project v2.docx (15189) - due Tues Sept 17

Mon Sept 16: Time to work on Environmental Research Project 

Thurs Sept 17: Gallery Walk of Research Projects; discuss concept of Ecological Footprint (Notes: Ecological Footprint.pptx (8,8 MB)